My first Halloween in New York was great. I met up with Wes, my brother, in Time Squar to look at Musumes and such. We have lunch and Mojitos at Havana. Talk about cameras. Then we started talking about "our number" as in how many girls we've slept with. He guessed 30 for him self, me 20. We wrote the girls names down. It's amazing how easy it is to forget a one night stand. Then I went into my phone book and found 10 more. Our mom called when were going over our numbers. I told her I was at 30 wes at 26? We then walked to the Moma for the free Fridays after 4p. We looked at some great art that inspired me to fouces more on my first show and less about the club. We leave up town on the E train to catch the L train towards Brooklyn. It's at Friday night in New York City on Halloween! I get in the train first, Wes can't fit in with the massive costume party on the train. I take it and we say will meet or talk later. At 14 St to transfer to the L. The train as to wait 8 mins to depart. Wes's train let out at 14 right behind my train he missed so we could now take the L together. I was going to work off 1st ave, he to Brooklyn. The Subway in NYC on Halloween is like nothing else. Kids in 8' wale costumes. I saved Tinker Bells wings from being crushed in the closing doors. And countless otheres. Got to the club to help the promoters of the night get the party set up. I run the door on Fridays but this was in the contract that they get the door covers. The night went ok, I felt like I could have had the night off because I've set the place up to run like a factory. Close up knowing I don't want to put all of my time into somthing that is not that importent f enuff for me to give up my time I could be working on; my work, show and mostly compare my life from the passed 3 months I've lived here to see what I've done and want to keep or change. I took a cab home from the club, had him play my tunes on 93.9. So much trafic on 6th St because of all of the folk going back to NJ. The cab stop at my streets, I thought of a funny think to say like, New Yorkers should get a price break on the fair because of all of people in New York from out of star or country. As I was going to say the joke as I was paying him a black guy opened the door on the other side of me very fast. I was startled. I hallered, Yo! He said, sorry. I said firmly, give me a fucking second. He was more than likely was from out of state. But I always feel so safe in my neighour hood. So it felt right to react the way I dits. At home now into my soft clothes and plan for my next three months to get my art out there. I'm run down Too many jobs and ideas to start Need time away Can't wait to get on track Feel great I want better helth Long term
This is when I lived in Tribeca.
And with all of these old post, I know the spelling a gramer is off. Way off but I like to keep things unedited.

1 comment:
That was a great time, thanks again.
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